Step 2 - X (Twitter) Tasks

Visit the tasks page on A Twitter account verification is required from Galxe to complete the Twitter campaign tasks

  • Click on "Follow @Kawafinance on Twitter

  • You will be redirected to the following page:

  • Click on the "Tweet" button

  • A twitter pop-window will appear with a pre-written tweet. Press the "Post" button on the top right corner.

  • Visit your twitter profile, find the post and click on the share button on the bottom right corner of the tweet.

  • Click "Copy link"

  • Go to the Twitter verification page on Galxe again and paste the link into Step 2. Press "Verify" to continue.

  • You have now successfully verified your Twitter account with Galxe! You can now proceed with the Flow campaign tasks for Twitter. You can also now delete the verification Tweet from your profile.

  • Click again on "Follow @Kawafinance on Twitter

  • Click "Follow" on the pop-up window

  • Click on "Retweet the Tweet" on the campaign page

  • Press "Repost" on the pop-up window

You have now successfully completed Kawa's Twitter tasks!

Go to Step 3 - Visit Page Tasks to continue

Last updated