Create a Keplr Wallet

Step by step instructions to setup the Keplr wallet and add Sei on chains.

  • Click "Install Keplr"

  • You will be redirected to Kepler add on page of your browser

  • Click “Add to” your browser

  • Press “Add” in the pop-up notification

  • A new Kepler wallet page will open in one of your tabs

  • Press “Create a new wallet”

  • Click "Create new recovery phrase"

  • In the next page click “I understood. Show my phrase”

  • Click “copy to clipboard” or write down your recovery phrase. Be cautious to keep your recovery phrase in a safe place and not to lose it, it is the only way to recover your Kepler wallet

  • Press “next” to verify that you stored your recovery phrase. Fill in the two words of your recovery phrase needed. Input a “wallet name”, create a Keplr password and press “next”. This password will be used locally to access your Keplr wallet

  • In the next page you will been asked to “select chains”

  • Let default option of Cosmos Hub for now and click “save”

    NOTE that we will need to be connected on Sei chain to interact with Kawa app and to receive the reward NFT, but we will set this in the next steps

  • Your Kepler wallet is now created! You can press the puzzle icon on the top right section of your Chrome browser to pin Kepler for easier access

  • Now we are going to set Sei network on our new wallet. To do this simply click the Keplr icon on extensions and click the settings icon on bottom right

  • Click "general" and scroll to find "add/remove non-native chains"

  • Next you will see your empty chains list and you need to click the “+” on top right to add Sei

  • You will be redirected to Keplr chains page

  • Input Sei on the search bar, find Sei and click “add to keplr”

  • Click “approve” on the next pop up and now you have added Sei successfully

  • Now that we have added Sei we need to make it visible so we can interact

  • Click the Keplr icon on the extensions and press the three lines on top left to see the menu

  • Press “manage chain visibility”

  • You will be redirected to “select chains” page of Keplr

  • Search and find Sei, select it and press “save”

Awesome work! Now you can see your Sei balance and wallet address on Keplr wallet.

Last updated